Leading the future of Medical Imaging
Interventional Radiology (IR) is a subspecialty of radiology delivering minimally-invasive, image guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. We offer a comprehensive 24/7 clinical IR service delivered by expert clinical staff using state-of-the art equipment.

IR Center of Excellence
We work across a wide-range of body regions and medical conditions and perform elective and emergency procedures including minimally-invasive treatments for cancer (SIRT, chemoembolisation, ablation), fibroids, prostate enlargement, liver disease (TIPS, variceal embolisation), kidney disease, acute bleeding, blood clots, vascular access, and diseases affecting the blood vessels and circulation (vessel narrowing, blockages, aneurysms and dissections).
Interventional Radiology (IR) is a subspecialty of radiology and is the pinnacle of contemporary medical pratice. IR involves the delivery of minimally-invasive (pin-hole), image-guided (using ultrasound, CT or X-ray guidance) procedures to diagnose and treat a wide-range of medical conditions across the body. You may be referred to us by your doctor to help diagnose or treat a particular condition and we are able to perform these procedures without the need for a surgical operation or long hospital stay.
You will be looked after by our experienced IR team, led by an Interventional Radiologist. This is a medical doctor who has completed medical school (5-6 years), specialist training in Radiology (5 years leading to FRANZCR qualification) as well as further subspecialty fellowship training in Interventional Radiology (1-2 years leading to EBIR qualification). The team also includes exeperienced nurses and radiographers trained in IR practice. We also run outpatient clinics, participate in multidisciplinary team meetings in the hopsital, and deliver clinical care to our patients.
We accept referrals from your GP or doctor for treatment of a wide range of conditions. Please discuss with your doctor, in the first instance, to obtain a referral to our service. Our Interventional Radiologists are also happy to be contacted directly to provide advice when required.
If you have been referred to our Interventional Radiology service, you will be contacted by our team ahead of your appointment or procedure. You may also be asked to attend an outpatient clinic consultation with our team, which will provide you an opportunity to discuss your procedure with the IR doctor.
Each time you attend a Medical Imaging appointment, please bring the following items with you:
- Referral letter or request form
- Medicare card
- Health Care Card (if you have one)
- Private Health Insurance card (if you want to use it)
- List of medications you currently take (including those without a prescription)
- X-ray films, scans or other relevant test results
- Concession Card (if applicable)
- Adverse Drug Reaction Card (if you have one)
Additional instructions will be given to you by our bookings team depending on the procedure.
Key points
- Interventional Radiology is a subspecialty of radiology and involves the delivery of minimally invasive, image guided procedures to diagnose and treat medical conditions.
- Interventional Radiologists are specialist medical doctors trained to interpret your medical scans and perform these highly specialised procedures.
- We perform procedures to diagnose and treat a very wide-range of medical conditions throughout the body.
- We are one of a few places offering transradial angiographic procedures (through the wrist) and have the latest imaging equipment and technologies available.
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